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Things have changed greatly for everyone in the last few months. COVID-19, social distancing, stock market woes and economic fears, lay-offs, and unemployment – all these concerns have many wondering if this is the new “normal.” While in no way seeking to treat any or all of these highly serious matters flippantly, the people of God ought to lead the way in speaking of blessing and grace. Perspective matters! Here’s a “Top 10 Blessings List” that can help us keep from being overwhelmed during a time of crisis. They are given in no particular order.

  1. It is likely nearly all of us have on more than one occasion smiled or laughed at some point during all of this. An appropriate sense of humor is a wonderful gift of God. “A merry heart does good like medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).
  2. We should recognize the blessing of countless Christians who sincerely ask, “What can I do to help?” There are Christians throughout the nation and world who are asking that question and are responding with action that shows love for God and neighbor (cf. Matthew 22:36-40).
  3. During a time of “social distancing,” many no longer are living at such a crazy and hectic pace and are learning better to “Be still and know” that the Lord is God (Psalm 46:10).
  4. During this “present distress” encouragement is more needed than even toilet paper and hand sanitizer! Thank God for precious brothers and sisters in Christ who are sons and daughters of encouragement (cf. Acts 4:34-37).
  5. Church leaders have worked tirelessly to communicate well to Christians and to encourage and enhance fellowship. Many have prayed and thought a great deal about these matters. There have been sleepless nights contemplating things. We give thanks for such leaders.
  6. The use of technology to honor God’s name and to save and strengthen souls has skyrocketed. Thank God for those who use technology this way! Computers, websites, and smartphones are being used like never before to bless. Here’s one example: Can you say PTP365 for free?
  7. Christians everywhere through their acts of service have displayed the spirit of Christ. Meals have been prepared for over-worked doctors and nurses. Shut-ins have been called and prayers prayed. Groceries have been purchased and laundry has been done for those who are elderly and “high risk.” Neighbors have inquired about one another. Read Matthew 25:31-46 as it speaks of “as you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.”
  8. Prayers have become deeper and many have gone to the throne of His grace and found mercy and grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
  9. The priesthood of all believers has rightly been re-emphasized (1 Peter 2:5, 9). Speaking as a gospel preacher, I greatly rejoice that more and more Christians believe and practice that EVERY Christian is a minister. What’s more – our Lord rejoices when individual Christians and families step up to greater knowledge, service, and grace (2 Peter 3:16-18).
  10. God STILL is on the throne and that’s a most wonderful thing to keep in mind. He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We are “more than conquerors” through Him (Romans 8:37-39). Let’s make sure we respond to a crisis in such a God-honoring way that the Lord Himself would say, “It was your finest hour. Well done!”

Mike Vestal 

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