JEREMIAH 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? The Lord searches the heart, I test the mind even to give to every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his doing.”
In James 3:1-12 God inspired James to write concerning our use of the tongue; a lesson that, hopefully, will cause all of us to make sure we use our tongues in a way that brings glory to God and Jesus Christ.
Our speech reflects our lives EVERY DAY! Proverbs 23:7 states “for as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ‘Eat and Drink!’ he says to you, but his heart is not with you.” The context of this passage speaks of eating dinner with a miser, and how the miser will say, “Eat and Drink” simply because he is being “sociable;” not because he wants you to eat with him. His heart is not with his guest – it is on how much the meal will cost.
The phrase, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” emphasizes that the inner man, the spirit, the soul of man, determines his actions, his speech and his walk.
We understand that as we feed our physical bodies, we feed our souls as well. What we put in our physical bodies will make a difference in whether we are obese or trim; whether we are physically fit or not. In like manner, what we feed our souls will determine if we are “spiritually fit” or “spiritually weak.” The determining factor is what we eat spiritually. Some questions: Do you spend time with God every day? Do you go to worship with the saints? Do you read his word every day? Is God first in your life? Do you desire God more than your next meal?
As with our physical bodies, we must exercise our spirits! The coronavirus has caused us to pause and consider what is important. Hopefully, through all of this, we have exercised our faith more by doing more of the things mentioned above, as well as availing ourselves of the opportunities to “assemble together” via the internet.
Here are some thoughts:
- 1.We are reminded of the brevity of life. I am sure that those who have passed from this virus did not stop and think that they could be dead in a few short days. This life is short, fragile and not promised to any.
- 2.Faith in God is vital – when there seems to be fear and panic, Christians can and should entrust their souls to God. This life is not the end. When this life ends, it is the beginning of something far greater for the Christian.
- 3.These tests we experience here help us to see our weaknesses – they help put things in perspective – they cause us to exercise more faith in God, and less faith in ourselves so we may become stronger and more fit for God’s service.
- 4.Realizing that the above statements are true causes us to want to go to be with our heavenly Father, and thus causes us to consider our actions, our speech and our walk with God
- 5.If God is really first in my life, it will be shown by the things that I do! I will “labor for the Master from the dawn to setting sun” (When the Roll is Called Up Yonder). Do you labor for the Master daily? He knows!
- 6.If God is really first in my life, my speech will reflect his glory and praise, and I will do all I can to help others to know the God who saves us and molds us even further in His image. My speech will “betray me” in that others will know I am a Christian.
- 7.Finally, my walk – my whole manner of life will reflect the glory of God!
It all begins in the heart! “Is thy heart right with God?” Only you can answer that!