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The story is told of a toddler in a farming community who wandered away from her home one day. She walked into a very large corn field nearby, and was quickly lost from sight.

When the mother realized her daughter was gone, she ran outside, but could not find her. In desperation she called some neighbors, and they started a search.  They finally figured she must have become lost in the cornfield, and they ran up and down the rows, looking for her and calling her name, without success

The mother, father, and the searchers grew steadily more worried and frantic. Soon it was night, and they were too exhausted to search anymore.

They next day they called more neighbors and continued the search, but the girl could not be found in the tall corn. Finally, someone suggested that more people be called, that they join hands, and walk through the field systematically.

They did so and found the girl, weak but alive. As her mother gathered her up, she said in tears of relief, “If only we had joined hands earlier.”

The story shows our need to join hands of faith, love, service, and sacrifice in expressing our partnership in the Gospel. God has forgiven us in Christ, our Savior, and He has united us as one with Him. At the same time He has united us with each other, that we might build each other up and cause HIS CHURCH to grow. 

How many “lost ones” are “out there” who need to hear the gospel? How many tasks are there which go undone? Maybe if we would remember to join hands, more could be found, and more could be done. And how joyful and uplifting our worship becomes as we all join hands and together sing the praise of our great God.

Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1). 

Via East Brainerd Church of Christ





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