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What to do?


David Underwood Jr.

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” This is a well known quote from Thomas Paine (1737– 1808). Paine was an activist, revolutionary, author, and well-known figure in the independence of our nation from England.

This quote is very fitting to our current times and situation. We are stressed, strained, locked in, locked out, quarantined, and at times feel at our wits end.

What do we do in circumstances and situations we’ve never experienced before? It helps to have some reference or knowledge in a predicament in order to solve it. I think most will agree we’ve never seen anything like this before. We don’t have an appropriate comparison to make. To be certain, we rely on the best and only source of help. The God of heaven who created all. In 2 Chronicles 20, Moab, Ammon, and others came to battle against Jehoshaphat. Verses 3and 4 tell us “Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord…Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord.” Moving to verse 12, we read “O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is

coming against us, nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” Which is where our eyes should be today and every day. Regardless of virus and quarantine, good times or bad, sunshine or rain.

We seem to have lost our sense of security in this current crisis. Financial security, physical security, and in light of government-imposed quarantine, we may feel our spiritual security is compromised. We cannot meet together as a church family…what to do?

We do what we’re supposed to do. Trust God. Obey God Follow God. Rely on His Word to guide us in everything. If this crisis has done anything positive for me, it has prompted and allowed me to read and study God’s Word more. We have more time on our hands. Use that time in The Word. Send Cards, pray, look for opportunities to help others. Do the same things we should have been doing all along.

Not much has changed spiritually except we are not meeting together at the building. We are still the church.

In this day and age, we may have a false sense of security when it comes to the physical person. If I had any money in the bank, it might be insured by the FDIC or some other alphabet agency. I might have a gun behind every locked door. All temporal and fallible. Our security is with God and His Son and the Holy Spirit through The Word. His security is all powerful, never ending, all encompassing. Whatever our need may be, God will and can provide. His hand is always there for us. We have to reach and take it.

In addition to your favorite verses of strength, comfort, and assurance…search for others. The scriptures are full of what we need to not only survive, but flourish.

Philippians 4:4-13,19

Psalm 23 

Psalm 121

Psalm 37: 23-26

John 14:1-4

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Peter 1:3-9

Matthew 6: 25-34

2 Corinthians 4: 8-18; 5:1-9 

Via the Mars Hill Messenger. Florence AL. 4 26 2020

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