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Our souls and hearts are heavy as we consider the events of this last week with the massacre of children and adults in Uvalde, TX. We weep with those who lost loved ones in other events where ten people were killed in Buffalo, N.Y. We weep, as we should, and as Christians we need to be engaged in prayer. At these times, (as with all major disasters and tragedies), there are those who mock Christians because we “pray” about it. Let it be understood that we all need to pray about our nation and the world at this time in our lives. FOR THE CHRISTIAN, WE KNOW THAT GOD IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN HELP US, OUR NEIGHBORS, AND OUR COUNTRY. But just praying will not solve all the problems.  We must get off our knees and do what we can to share the gospel of Jesus, to aid those who are hurting, to show God’s love to a lost and dying world. God is the only one who can change men’s hearts, and that only by the gospel. 

Making more laws limiting weapons will not cause a person bent on this type of sin to be unable to get more weapons. Evil men will find ways to kill with knives, guns, pencils, letter openers, . . .  Indeed, it seems that the Bible is clear that mankind, if he/she chooses to do so, will ignore the laws of God and man to do what he/she wishes and desires. Evil ignores God and man’s laws, and could care less about what the law says. (Read the Old Testament). 

The only thing that will stop the mass shootings, adultery, sexual slavery, . . .  and every other horrendous sin that plagues America and the world is THE GOSPEL OF JESUS lived out in believers daily. BELOVED, WE NEED TO PRAY AND BESEECH GOD’S HELP to share the gospel with the world! We need to love sinners as much as God does (see the cross). What would happen if we were as enthusiastic about the gospel as the early church? What if the world sees Jesus in us, as opposed to seeing the world in us. Could we make the same difference the church in the first century made? WITH GOD’S HELP WE CAN.

Will you commit, along with me, to become more like Christ? To pray for the lost souls of men and women who do not know God; or those who claim to know him yet fail to live as we should? Will you pray that the church will get off her knees and become more evangelistic, and further, that we spread the gospel to the world? What are we waiting for? God has given us the ability, the word and will give us the strength. Will we commit to doing exactly what he has commanded us to do?




Gary Durham High Point NC

It is so easy to develop a bad attitude in this life. People disappoint us and situations don’t always turn out the way we desire. Sometimes I wonder what a person does in order to prevent being overtaken by terminal case of, “I don’t care about anything, or anyone, so just leave me alone!”  This attitude leaves one to crawl off into a corner of life and eventually self-destruct. Bitterness rules the day. The doors are closed in the face of others who may be trying their best to help lighten the burdens of life.

Whenever I am tempted to travel this particular pathway there is something which comes to my mind and causes me to restudy the issue. I have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that there still is an immeasurable amount of unselfishness present in the hearts of people. Particularly in the church do I see this being the case. Now I know that there will always be a few who only think of themselves, but they are in the minority. Most of my brethren have hearts which are not tainted by selfishness. These are my type of people!

Many times, in his precious word, God warns us of the dangers of a selfish heart. For example, in Philippians 2:3-4 we read, “. . . do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. Let each of you look out not only to his own interest, but also to the interest of others.” There needs to come a time for the selfish person to break out of his shell and reach out to others. If such a change fails to materialize, then that selfish person’s heart will continue to wither away until there’s nothing left. You can see how they end up hurting themselves as well as those about them.

My humble advice is for everyone in the congregation to take the time to discover the unselfishness which abounds on every hand. It may not be apparent at first glance, but there are those who persist in putting the welfare of others before their own desires. They possess that wonderful disposition of heart which makes life a little sweeter for all of us. Thoughtfulness is their trademark. It is worth that second look in order to see Christianity in action through the lives of such individuals. We can truthfully say that there’s actions or like Jesus in that they, “. . . go about doing good. . . “ (Acts 10:38).

May we be reminded that it is not for their own glory that these folks do so much for others, but rather it is for the glory of their Savior. There’s no doubt in their minds that God desires every one of his children to nurture a heart which understands the necessity of being a servant in this life. Jesus taught this basic lesson to his disciples inMark 10:43-45, “. . .  but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister: and whosoever of you will be chiefest, shall be servant of all.  For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” 

I thank my God for those of you who serve so sacrificially in the Kingdom. You are like a breath of fresh air when one is tempted to let life become stagnant and stale. The Lord is aware of all that you do even if the rest of us tend to take you for granted. I shudder to think about how miserable things would be if it wasn’t for your interest in the burden of others. Please never give up! The world needs you. The church needs you. I need you.

Via The Messenger, Karns Church of Christ


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