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Today is the day that many will stop, and even for a few moments,(hopefully), reflect on the life of Jesus and what they know about him. Many will, perhaps, think about Jesus’ resurrection on this day. But they may not be exactly sure what it means – they have not read the word of God nor understood what happened when Jesus died. They might know that they have sin in their lives, but many will question that simply because they don’t really know what sin is. They may not be able to connect the dots about how Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection was planned by God from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-10) to save those who are “in him.” Hence, Jesus, as he ascended back to the Father, told his disciples to tell the world about him and preach the gospel of him throughout the world (Matthew 28:19-20). 

In years past, I stood opposed to preaching about the resurrection of Jesus on “Easter” Sunday. I thought it would reaffirm some erroneous ideas about Jesus and the resurrection, and used, at times, this opportunity to make some feel guilty about not attending services as they should. Now, I rejoice that I have the opportunity to talk with some who may not usually darken the door of a church and tell them about the eternal hope that can be theirs in Christ. I also try to emphasize the resurrection, not just once a year, but more often than I used to.

Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we have hope. We know that death is not the final victor.

Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we know that the Bible is true and the message of the cross concerning our salvation from sin is true. God validated Jesus’ message of salvation by raising Jesus from the dead. It showed Jesus’ utter faith and trust in the Father. We are thankful that Jesus was able to give the Father what he DESERVED all along – complete, total obedience to His will. All of the innocent animals that died for the sins of man pointed to the “Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29). We thank God that the perfect Lamb – Jesus – died to give us hope. THANK GOD FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT!

When we become Christians, we are baptized into Jesus. Many things happen at that time according to Romans 6. 

  1. 1.When we are baptized, we are “baptized into his death.” It was at his death that he shed his blood (John 19:34 – the soldier pierced his side and there came out blood and water). 
  2. 2.It is here that we come into contact with the blood of Jesus, which washes away our sins (1 Peter 1:18-19). 
  3. 3.It is here that we died to sin, was buried, and are raised to walk in newness of life. 
  4. 4.It is here that we begin our Christian life, and here that we point to knowing that this is where we were (are) forgiven of sin. We may (will) sin after this, but we appropriate his blood and forgiveness by confession of the sin and REPENTANCE. We can rest knowing that God will keep his promise to forgive, if we will strive to repent and walk with him.
  5. 5.We are then “in Christ,” and all of our blessings are found in Him!

My prayer will always be that we preach Christ and him crucified. Please don’t leave him in the ground. He was raised from the dead, to be the first fruits of those who should afterward believe in Him. (Romans 4:23-24).

Each Sunday we remember, in the Lord’s Supper, what Jesus did as he died for us. Let us also consider and remember that he lives for us as well, (Hebrews 7:25). What a privilege we have to remember and reflect on what Jesus did for us EACH WEEK, rather than once a year. 

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15).

Tommy Tidwell

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Bible Study 10:00am
Worship 11:00am
Worship 2:00pm

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Mableton, GA 30126

(770) 948-5119

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