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            I am teaching a class on 1 and 2 Corinthians at Georgia School of Preaching and am reminded of the struggles of Paul as he established churches and shared the gospel with any that would listen. He cared deeply for every church because he had the heart of Jesus – who cares deeply for every church today.

            As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he dealt with problem after problem. Notice some of the problems he addresses in 1 Corinthians . . . 

First, there was division in the church over preachers (chapters 1-3). Everyone had their favorite preachers. 

Second, there was blatant immorality in the church (chapter 5), and nothing was said nor addressed about the subject. 

Third, they sued other brethren in the courts of law instead of allowing the church to handle it. (chapter 6) 

Fourth, the culture of the world was invading not only the church, but also the family unit. Homes were being broken apart because of their lack of commitment to one another in the family. These marital problems led to further licentiousness and immorality. We realize that this is happening in churches today. May we repent and truly help those who are involved in these sins. (chapter 7).

Fifth, Many of the Christians still ate meat offered to idols as a part of idol worship. Christians who participated in this compromised the truth of the gospel and were not faithful to the Lord. Those Christians who did not engage in such would possibly be tempted to sin against their conscious by eating this offering. Their commitment to the Lord would be compromised, and this would encourage them to go back to false idol worship. (chapter 8).

Sixth, some of the brethren, who thought they were wiser than others, would encourage this sin against God and the Lord. It would be a small step to go back into idol worship, and then claim that their worship was bring honor to Christ, just in a way they knew. They compromised the gospel with falsehood. 

The children of Israel of old had compromised worship of God with the world and were carried into captivity time and again. Why? Because God had not sanctioned such and would eventually send the children of Israel in captivity in the hopes they would repent. 

Seventh, some brethren, who may have thought they were wiser, would encourage other, weaker brethren to engage in this, and the weaker Christians would again engage in things offered to idols. They went back into the world. Paul argues that Christians need to be willing to deny themselves (see Jesus and his willingness to deny himself and die on the cross, and the apostle Paul who labored mightily to share the gospel to the world). Paul did his best to share the gospel everywhere he went. (Chapters 8-9)

Eighth , he who fails to learn history are doomed to repeat it. Some Christians would worship idols, and then come and partake of the Lord’s Supper. Paul warned many of them that if they did so, they were not worshipping God; they would be guilty of idolatry and be separated from God. No man can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or else despise the one and love the other.  God does not want second, third or fourth place in our hearts – we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Some might have thought they would “cover all bases” by worshipping all of the gods, but “. . . God is a jealous God.” (Exodus 34:14).  

God warned through Paul that . . . . 

1.    They cannot become idolaters as some of the Israelites. 

2.    They cannot engage in sexual immorality, and over 23,000 fell. (1 Corinthians 10:18).

3.    We should not tempt Christ.

4.    These examples WARN that we ALL COULD FALL! 

5.    Temptations will still be a big part of the Christians life.  Beware!

NINTH, The final point Paul makes is that Christians should always seek the glory of God. We need to be concerned about ourselves, but also about our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our actions could cause a brother or sister to sin against their conscience. Christians should be willing to give up their rights.

TENTH, The point Paul makes in chapter 10, is this, “Therefore, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.  Give no offence, neither to the Jews or to the Greeks, or to the church of God.” 

SOME CONCLUDING THOUGHTS.  What if we really thought about others rather than demanding our way (we cannot compromise the truth) – but we do know that there are some issues that are matters of opinion. We cannot make them matters of faith.

As Christians, we need to think about others as well as about ourselves. Jesus did not think of himself on the cross, but he died for all. Christians, who follow Christ, are not as concerned about themselves, but are constantly helping others to know God’s will and God’s way.  Please read the above passages, and consider these thoughts, and may we consider, not just us, but also for our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Tommy Tidwell

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