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Welcome to 2020. New Year’s Day seems to be a day for reflecting and planning. Resolutions are often written or calendars are finalized.

But instead of working on year-long goals, I want to challenge each of us today with some simple things you can do every single day to make your day better. And the best part? None of them takes more than a few moments of your time.

Read God’s Word. Whether it is trying to read through the entire Bible in a year or diving more deeply into studying a particular passage, nothing can help you have a better day than hearing what God wants for your life.

Pray Fervently. These prayers do not have to be lengthy, but sharing your deepest thoughts and desires with the Lord helps lighten your load and focuses your mind on what is truly important.

Give a Sincere Compliment. Don’t flatter, but find someone during your day who has done something well or who just needs a pick-me-up and share a heartfelt compliment. Maybe it is for a job well done by a worker at a restaurant or maybe it is a coworker who just has done something well today. Those words go a long way.

Pray for a “Prospect.” Who can you study the Bible with in 2020? Pray that God will open a door of opportunity for you to study with someone. (Oh, and when that door opens, take it!)

Check on a Shut-In or Widow. It can be a visit. It can be a phone call. It can even be a text. Any connection will mean a lot to both of you!

Send an Out-of-the-Blue Message of Encouragement. Through a letter, email, or text, simply share a note with someone that picks them up. Maybe they did something well. Maybe they have just been down. Maybe you just need to tell them how much they have encouraged you. Whatever the message, those messages for “no” reason mean a great deal.

Laugh. We live in such stressful times that a good old-fashioned laugh is often missing from our lives. Tell a story with someone. Find a (clean) funny YouTube video. Watch a classic TV comedy. And just laugh! (see Proverbs 17:22)

Do Something Evangelistic. It may or may not be an actual Bible study (although that would be the best, of course), but do something that shares the name of Jesus in a positive way with someone. Send a card or message. Share a Bible verse on social media. Leave an invitation to worship with your (generous) tip at a restaurant. Spread seeds of the Gospel!

Tell Someone “I Love You.” If you are married, you need to say this to your spouse every day (multiple times). If you are not married but your parents are still living, tell them that you love them. Say it to a friend who is sick. Share that sentiment with a brother or sister in Christ who has helped you.

Learn. Read a nonfiction book or well-researched article. Watch an educational video. Do something that stretches your horizons a little bit so that you grow in knowledge each day and have an even stronger thirst for more knowledge in the future.

If you look back over that list, none of those things takes a huge amount of time. Each one, though, has a big reward. Could you not make time for each of these things every single day? If you do, what a wonderful day you will have. And, if you do that 366 times in 2020 (yes, it’s a Leap Year), what a wonderful year!Adam Faughn

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Bible Study 10:00am
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Bible Study  7:00pm


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